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In a reversal of sorts, Canadian energy producers are aggressively seeking Asian (particularly Chinese) partners in the development of natural gas and oil resources. For their part, the Chinese are being more selective when evaluating these offers. A decade ago, Chinese companies were aggressively pursuing deals and Canadian partners were leery, mainly because of concerns about the Chinese government’s involvement. Now the Chinese are seen as desirable partners both politically and financially. What’s more, Asia needs the energy and Canada is looking to develop partnerships that leave them less dependent on what happens in the United States.


  1. In a general sense, discuss how the global economy influences the shift from being cautious about partnerships with China (ten years ago) to aggressively pursuing them now.
  2. What types of relationships make the most sense for Canadian energy producers?
  3. The article mentions political concerns as the reason Canadian companies backed away from deals a decade ago. What aspects of the global environment should be considered before committing to a partnership?
  4. How should cultural intelligence influence Canadian companies as they pursue relationships with Asian partners?
  5. Do you believe the difference in interest (from a decade ago) has anything to do with changing global management attitudes? Explain.

SOURCE: C. Cattaneo, “Alberta Energy Woos Asia,” National Post (Retrievable online at

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