Posted by & filed under Chapter 1 - Introduction, Chapter 13 - Future Issues, Chapter 2 - Theories of Industrial Relations, Chapter 3 - HIstory of the Canadian Union Movement, Chapter 9 - Strikes and Lockouts, Industrial Relations.

Description: The Saskatchewan government has introduced legislation that will amend a law banning some public service strikes. The Supreme Court of Canada ruled the original legislation was unconstitutional.

Source: Canadian Press

Date: 10/15/2015


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Questions for discussion:

  • Why did the Supreme Court of Canada find the original law unconstitutional?
  • Consult your text: What does the term “essential services” mean?
  • How does Bill 183 change the original law?
  • Why is the Saskatchewan Government and General Employees’ Union still upset?
  • Based on what you have just read about this case, do you think the amendments will stand up under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?